Physics, Philosophy, and Other Pathetic Ponderings....

Question: If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?
Answer: No, because there is nothing for the sound waves to reverberate off of, so...
Question: If a blog post lands on the internet, and nobody is around to read it, has it really been written?
Answer: If we go with the same theory-no, because nobody is around to process the light connecting to form the letters into the words that are written.
Well, that's depressing! I never liked the study of sound or light waves anyway...
I'm a blog reading fool....I...can't....stop...reading. Unfortunately, a lot of my friends aren't posting much anymore, so I'm off to find some new friends, and then our post will exhist again!
P.s. Please post more entries!

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