Teacher Appreciation: Embroidery Notes

A few months back, I ran across a project where someone had created a piece of notebook paper via the sewing machine.  I lost that link....booo, so if it's *yours*....I love it, I tried it, I love it still and would be happy to link to it...if only.  I used my sewing machine, and the sewing foot dimensions to sew little blue lines, and one red line along the side to look like notebook paper.  I then printed off a 'school-ish' saying, traced it with a pencil, and stitched over the words.  I took this project with me on a plane ride to avoid thinking (as much) about the fact that I H-A-T-E flying, and to avoid idleness.  Being idle isn't a gift I possess.  I used the hoop to house the little paper when I was finished.  It would be cute to stitch a teacher's name in a hoop like this as well. 


  1. Ack! I've been wanting to do this for sometime now.

  2. I love this, Christy. I especially like the wording you chose.
