New Counters/New Backsplash

Once upon a 9 years ago, I bought a house.  My goal in life was to never pay apartment rent.  I'd do it different now, but that's how I did it then.  I was new to my career, new to the process of buying homes, and all I knew was all I had to spend was all I had to spend, and home repairs were not in the cards for quite a few years, and considering my career choice (teaching) it would always be a slow process.  I found a house that was bought from someone else prior to my purchase, had been renovated by the buyer, hiked up, and sold to me.  The problem with this thinking was that in the renovations, they actually just covered up a lot of problems, and did a lot of the repairs quickly.  Fast forward 5 years, and the walls came crumbling down.  Year by year, piece by piece....I try to put humpty dumpty back together again.  This year (10 years later)....the counters were in desperate need of repair.  The laminate counters (cringe) were never glued down, so they were always loose, over the years they began shuffling out away from the wall, collapsing to the point that my dish washer didn't open because the counter had collapsed in front of it, and thus, my sanity was in question.  For 2 years I had to wash dishes by :gasp: hands until I was able to get around to this repair.  Since my kitchen is the size of a ship's galley, this is an example of me making a short story long. 
Here are those counters before.  I couldn't stand the laminate, but I actually liked the black/white/gray color (thus, my granite choice looks very similar). 
You know those awful before pictures without make up and stuff?  I've removed all the counter 'stuff', so it looks worse than it did....but was not beautiful. 
I popped off the counters.  They charge 6 bucks a square foot to do this for you, and seemed surprised I was going to do this myself, but hello, it wasn't ever nailed/glued down correctly to begin with, so...hey, there is one plus 10 years later, I was able to rip those puppies off all on my lonesome.  :Insert I Am Woman theme song here.:
Down the counters went.  More on this in a minute...and more on 'everything' in another post. 
BUT...there is one thing I did myself (other than pay for someone else to install granite...I picked out the granite if that helps!).  The backsplash was all me...for better or worse.  I decided this was one thing I could do myself.  I did NOT want tile.  I'm so tired of tile....I'm almost as tired of looking at tile as I am of looking at laminate.  I wanted those little metal tins.  I didn't want to nail them up individually, I wanted a 'sheet.'  I found just that at Home Depot. 
It's actually two sheets.  I decided I didn't want a backsplash across the whole kitchen.  My sink is below a window, and I don't do a lot of 'splashing' otherwise, so the stove was the lone victim of my shenanigans. 
This isn't actually tin, so it has to stay 3 inches away from heat....if this becomes a problem, I'll buy the real thing, but I wanted this for cleaning purposes.  Anyway, I glued the two sheets together using my favorite thing (other than sticks, baggies, and jars)....superglue. 

I used this Lock Tite stuff as glue on the back, and slapped it up in the space I measured.  You can cut this puppy with scissors to fit into the space, and you can grab those thin bars to slip on the side to finish off the edge.  I don't know who *you* is...but any of you-s could if *you* to have had it with tile. 

I used some painters tape to hold it up while it dried, and the end result is this...


Sure, it's just a backsplash, but it belongs to me.  I have a few favorite things that remained once the counters left. I'll share these later with the 'whole' kitchen post....don't blink my kitchens that big.  I think that's enough kitchen for one day!


  1. I feel your pain! I bought a house because it was a goal. Sadly, I bought the year before the real estate market headed south so I am "underwater" on the mortgage and it turns out that the guy who sold me my house also hid a lot of stuff. My counters and back splash are also laminate. Unfortunately he is a really good job of gluing them down so they are gonna be here for a long time! Love your granite and congrats on installing your own back splash.

  2. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I am bowing down to your awesomeness milady!! YOU did that by yourself??? KUDOS!!! You did a great job!!!! I have to admit I get the Mr's help around here for the big jobs!! You should be super proud of yourself!!! Love the's funny...I have a faux tin ceiling tile backsplash from Home Depot too, but mine is wallpaper that "looks" like the tiles and painted in aluminum paint. I can't wait to see the counters!! and your kitchen is adorable too!!

  3. love your backsplash...

  4. Nice work, Christy! It looks great! Can't wait to see the rest.

  5. You did a great job, bravo!

  6. Wow! That looks awesome. I am so jealous. We rent the house we're in now so I can't do any of those fun things.

  7. I am in love with your blog and your awesome ideas. I'm so glad you found me because I definately got the better end of the deal by finding you!! I'm a super happy follower now!!

  8. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Your kitchen looks great!

  9. Christy, your kitchen looks awesome! I can't believe you did this on your own. well.... I can. You're amazing. I want to hear all about it on Monday. You might be getting a phone call from my Mom!
