Salad: Corn Bread Cobb Salad

I saw this recipe in Family Fun last spring, and I had to try it out b/c it sounded like a salad right up my salad alley.  Salad Alleys are safe places, and delicious.  I really like my alley ways lined with croutons.
Putting it All Together

Ingredients:  2 c. of corn bread (day old if possible ('if possible takes on a new meaning when you have bread addicts (me) living in the house), 2 T olive oil, seasoning salt. 
Instructions:  Cube corn bread, toss with oil and seasoning.  Cook at 400 for 16 minutes, stir halfway through.
Ingredients:  1/4 c. red wine vinegar, 1 t. Dijon Mustard, salt and pepper, 3 T. olive oil
3 hearts of romaine, shredded; 2 c. of chicken, seasoned, cooked, and shredded; 4 large eggs, boiled, and chopped; 8 slices of bacon, cooked and chopped; 1 rip avacado, cubed; 1 1/2 c. grap tomatoes, halved; 1/2 c. diced red onions; 1 1/2 c. (6 oz) Monterey Jack or Cheddar cheese, shredded. 
I cut the ingredients for the salad into a third of the amount it called for, which was plenty for two people.
Linking To:
Remodelaholic 33 Shades of Green


  1. Anonymous4:00 AM

    That looks so amazing and fresh!!! I love a good salad and I am going to have try out your wonderful salad recipes!! Thanks for sharing them and keep em coming. Have a beautiful Sunday!!!

  2. YUM...How can a southern girl resist anything with conbread....

  3. Great how you displayed the final salad. I would have so much fun mixing mine up to perfection to eat.

  4. Oh my gosh!!! My mouth is watering!!! I think I'm going to make this to go with the burgers and dogs at my daughter's birthday party on Saturday so the adults will have something yummy ;) Thanks!

    Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree

  5. Um...YUM! Looks beautifully delicious :)

  6. Looks delicious! Have you ever tried the "Macho Salad" at Bandera? They use corn bread croûtons as well...amazing! Thanks for sharing on "Tasty Tuesdays"! :)

  7. Beautiful and delicious -- the perfect combination. And, for the most part, good for you too. A win-win-win. Thanks. I'm trying this!
