The Dallas Zoo

I have a few zoo crafts to post here in a bit, but first...
I've been to the Dallas Zoo a million times.  For an animal lover, I'm fortunate to live close to two zoos.  The Fort Worth Zoo is larger, and it has a lot more to offer, but the Dallas Zoo is in the running now with the new African Safari Section.  I headed out with one of the cutest baby girls this side of the universe, Blythe, who is in town for a visit (more on this soon as well)...with my camera to see what I could see. 
 I just happened along these little guys at their feeding time...pretty impressive. 
How about these giraffes you can feed yourself...
...and we did...
 Blythe loves birds, and I love America....
 So cute!
Just not quite as cute as this...
Like I said, more on 'this' in another post soon and a zoo craft or two in a few hours...or days.  As for the zoo, I'm so impressed, and I'm 'so' going back soon. 


  1. Looks like a fun day! Very cool that you get to feed the giraffes. Kerri

  2. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Great photos and looks like you two had fun, she is a cutie pie!! It has been perfect zoo weather. YAY!

  3. I keep meaning to take my boys to the Dallas Zoo. I heard it's great for younger kids. LOVE the FW Zoo we've been a few times.

  4. Great pics...I already had it on the calendar to head to the FT Worth zoo...maybe we will do that after Casa Manana...oh so many opportunities!

  5. I love the giraffe photos... fantastic!

  6. If your in this area you must look up Sharkarosa (in Pilot Point)and check that place out and for a further venture but a really cool zoo check out Caldwell zoo.

  7. I love the zoo. Dallas has always been my favorite. I always liked the oldness of it and it seems so much more open. Fort Worth seems closed in to me and smaller.

  8. what fun....can't wait to take little britches to the zoo...

  9. Visit Dallas Zoo to watch favorites like the elephants, the birds of prey area, the zoo's endangered cheetahs and the reptile, this will keep you busy for hours. I am sure that if anyone visit the zoo once is surely to come back again and again.
