Grape Salad

My friend Jolene told me about this recipe she had at a friends house, and it sounded weird, but weird is right up my alley, so I decided to give it a whirl. wish I hadn't b/c it's one I'm going to want to make over and over again, and I keep trying to tell myself to fall in love with raw carrots, and tofu, but I keep getting distracted by sugar and cream coated grapes, and it's just a deep, dark, downward spiral I enjoy waaaaay too much. 
Here's the recipe for Grape Salad
2 lbs of green grapes, 1 lbs of red grapes, 6-8 oz cream cheese, 6-8 oz of sour cream, 1/2 c. sugar, 1 t. vanilla, 1/4 c. chopped pecans, 2 T. brown sugar
1.  Wash and pat grapes dry (don't cut into halves, I wondered about this, but after some research, I guess this helps the dressing not become to wet). 
2.  Mix cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, and vanilla (it calls for 8 oz of the cream cheese, and sour cream, but I think thats a little too much).  Stir in grapes. 
3.  Top with pecans and brown sugar.  You can eat right away, but if you store it overnight, the brown sugar becomes a little caramel-ish.  That's always a good thing in my book!
Linking To:
Paisley Passions Sugar Bananas


  1. I make a grape salad that has marshmallow creme as one of the ingredients. Our family loves it - especially my husband. I'll have to try this one and do a taste test.

  2. This looks yuummyyy!!!

  3. very intriguing, sounds pretty good

  4. sounds delicious and simple thanks for sharing recipe

  5. Wow I never would have thought of a recipe like this. I may have to give it a try. It looks great! Thanks for linking up. Have a great weekend.


  6. I llooooooove grape salad! We have a local restaurant that makes it by the pint. YUM!
