Creamy Caramel Pecan Rolls

My friend Regan introduced me to this recipe.  I can't forgive her.  They are so good.  Here it is, you can not forgive her too. 
Creamy Caramel Pecan Roll Recipe
Makes 20-24 rolls. 
2 14-16 oz pizza loaves (we used the can, but Regan told me you can also buy these rolls ready to go at local bakeries), 3 T. melted butter, 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1 t. ground cinnamon, 1 1/4 c. powdered sugar, 1/2 c. whipping cream, 1 c. coarsely chopped pecans, 3 c. raisins (optional)
You build this upside down. 
1.  Topping:  Stir powdered sugar and whipping cream.  Divide evenly into 2 9 inch round pans.  Sprinkle nuts over topping.
2.  Roll out dough on floured surface into a 12x8 inch rectangle.  Brush with melted butter, and set aside. 
3.  In another bowl, stir together cinnamon, and brown sugar.  Sprinkle over dough. 
 4.  Roll up, and pinch to seal. 
5.  Cut into 12 pieces.  Place each roll, cut side down on topping in pans.  If this is the canned dough, bake immediately, if it's homemade dough, or from the store, let it rise, covered in a warm area until they have doubled in size. 
6.  Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 or until the rolls sound hollow when tapped. 
7.  Cool for 5 minutes, loosen the edges, and invert onto serving platter.  Spoon the remaining mixture in the pan over the rolls.  Serve warm.


  1. These look delicious. Just stopping by to let you know that I featured your cloche at DIY Home Sweet Home. Be sure to stop by and grab your "I was featured button"

  2. What temperature should these be baked at?

  3. Ooops! Thanks for asking, I put my oven on 350 (it runs hot). Anywhere between 350-375 depending on how your baked goods usually turn out. :O)

  4. I baked these this morning and they are delicious! Thanks so much for the recipe. I did run into one problem and wondered if you had this happen....even though I sprayed the pans with cooking spray the topping was stuck to the pan when I inverted the rolls onto a plate. Any suggestions?

  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed them! Did you turn it over right away? If you wait, it will start to harden. Let me know, I really appreciate feedback b/c I don't post unless a recipe has worked for me (I've run into a LOT of problems with internet recipes), so I always want to know how to improve any instructions on mind as well!

  6. I followed the instructions and let the pans cool for 5 minutes before turning them out. Maybe I should have skipped the cooling part and just turned them out immediately? Thanks for the help.
