Easter: Chalkboard Eggs

I was googling projects, and I came across wooden chalkboard eggs on the web (via Etsy).  This is right up my alley!  It's  not exactly the pastels of Easter (though the inside is still the original color), but it's a fun way to write little messages and pictures, or even 'decorate' eggs. 
I tried it out with plastic eggs, in order to keep the paint in place, I used some plastic primer I bought at the craft store that helps paint in place. 
I finished it off with a spray of chalkboard paint, let it dry, and went to work deciding on who would receive said eggs....me. 
Via my last post, there is apparently chalkboard PENS now you can purchase at the craft store that write even more clearly on all these chalkboard projects....that's next on my list! 
I also found wooden eggs at Hobby Lobby in the unfinished wood section for a good price.
The good news I bought a new can of chalkboard paint...and I have a line up of projects to try out...soon!

Linking To:  Sassy Sites Ten Buck Tuesday


  1. Love it! They look way better now!

  2. I love the eclectic use of chalkboard paint! I can never have enough :) Thank you for linking up at Ten Buck Tuesday!
