Milk and Cookies Shower Prep

I'm going to post the rest of the Milk and Cookie shower details over the next few days.  I covered the invitations, and cookies I made, and now...a few of the other details, and the links I found to put these guys together.  More extensive details to come tomorrow...and the next day...and the next day. 
I grabbed the above fabrics at JoAnnes for the tables.  Browns and yellows.  I grabbed one more (not shown...yet) because I became a lunatic fabric purchaser.  I promised (myself) to put these to good use! 
Melissa, Heather, and I made these pom pom puffs to hang from the ceiling.  We used the instructions on Martha Stewart.  It uses a lot of tissue, but they sure are cute! 
I also grabbed various sized cookie jars like this at Walmart.  I put random brown and yellow scrapbook paper at the bottom to add a pop of color. 
I've been collecting milk jars from antique stores (prior to planning this party), and I used these for the tables (pictures to come).  I filled them with daisies and some 'other white flower.' 
Last, Heather and I put together these cookie bags, the cookie bar is our favor station.  I found a cute printable for the front of the bags here
I'll be back with a ton more pictures, and what the rest of the hostesses was a fun one.  
...but first, how did I live my life before google? 


  1. Pretty, break room looks familiar.

  2. Wow! This is amazing. I saw some more pictures featured on another blog and was in aaaahhhhhh!
