On-A-Stick: Poptarts

I saw this cute idea a year ago via Bakerella, and I've seen it quite a few places since then, so I decided it was time to try it out myself.  I didn't use the same recipe, I took the cheaters way out, but I think the stick is the selling point, and really, it's a pop-tart....even raw I could eat these. 
One roll of store bought crust made 5 of these (if I made them smaller, it would habe been cute and gone a lot further, these are about 2/3 the size of a regular poptart,, and this size worked well for me. 
I cut out rectangle. 
I added jam from a jar to most of my poptarts.  (To a few I added nutella, and I also tried out a mound of brown sugar in the middle sprinkled with 1/4 t. cin/sugar mix, and it was my very favorite). 
I wet the edges of the crust with a little water (including the area with the stick so it would stay in place).
I used a fork to seal the edges. 
...made a few little pokes in the top. 
I used the baking instructions for just a 'pie crust' on the box.  I sprayed the top of my crust with spray butter (egg washes would work as well, or if you want them to remain pale, avoid this step all together).  I cooked mine at 325 for about 15 minutes.  Just a note, I'd recommend soaking the sticks in water prior to using so they don't brown like mine. 
Once my guys cooled, I mixed 1 c. of powdered sugar with 1/2. t. vanilla, and 1 T. milk.  Add more powdered sugar if it's too runny.  Drizzles, and sprinkle. 
These would be really cute for a brunch...assuming you are into that whole 'sharing' thing. 


  1. You had me at Pop Tarts. Love them. Great idea!

  2. My little one LOVES Pop Tarts and Loves anything on a stick. Will have to try!

  3. Uh, yum! I think the brown sugar ones would be my favorite too. They look awesome!!!

  4. what a cool idea...

  5. These would be great for a kiddie party! But for everyday, the cinnamon & brown sugar ones sound absolutely yummy!

  6. BRILLIANT! My kids would go nuts for this!!!
