Picture/Card 'Frame'

 I didn't make this...I bought it.  Normally, I'd have eyed this and tried it out at home, but I'm to a point at the moment that I'm writing 'breath' down on my to do list. 
I bought it this past weekend while visiting my pal in Tennessee...more on this soon.  We only had one afternoon to shop, and I bought a ton of fun things in that short amount of time.  I've seen this idea around, and it was my plan to make one, but I balanced out my options and decided I'd put it off until the future and just blog about what someone else put together. 
Old frame, painted, and scraped a little for the good ol' vintage feel.  Three wires nailed onto the back using small nails. 

 Here's a close up. 
 Add small clothes pins (they have these at Walmart and craft stores), attach pictures, or cards from Christmas, Birthdays, or general bulletin board type fun.  How easy. 
This post brought to you by-two hour shop-a-thon in TN....the other 72 hours I'll account for later. :O)