French Rustic Tomato Tart

I saw this recipe for rustic french tart at Baking and Creating with Avril, and it was right up my alley.  I decided this winter to find meals that required me tossing the degrees on the oven to the max, heating the house, heating my food, and this tart hit the spot.  It was really great with the dijon base, and a tasty treat. 
Crust:  1 1/2 c. flour, 4 T butter (cold and cut into cubes), 1/2 t. salt, 1 egg, 2-3 T cold water
Tart Filling:  3 T dijon mustard, 2 fresh tomatoes, 2 T. olive oilk, salt and pepper, fresh herbs (I used basil leaves (chopped), 8 oz mozerella cheese. 
1.  Make crust by mixing flour and salt.  Add butter with pastry blender until fully mixed and crumbly. 
2.  Beat eggs and 2 T of water.  Make a well in the middle of the flour/butter mix.  Stir together until it just comes together, add 1 more T of water if it's not coming together. 
3.  Gather into a ball.  Place on a lightly flourished surface and roll to 14 inches. 
4.  Spread mustard onto dough and let it sit out and dry whilte the oven preheats to 425 degrees. 
5.  Add sliced tomatoes, herbs, and cheese to dough (leave 2 inches betwen tomatoes and the edge.  Drizzle with olive oil. 
6.  Fold over crust edges around the entire filling. 
7.  Place on lined pan (I took the advice of Avril, and placed this on a silapat covered pat and made it directly on the sheet. 
8.  Bake 30 minutes (or until crust is lightly browned, and cheese is bubbling, tomatoes are tender etc). 

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