July 4th: Watermelon Cupcakes

I'm sure there are some flavor combinations you could throw together to make an interesting Watermelon Cupcake, but....I just went with vanilla.  I tossed some chocolate chips in the batter to give each cupcake a 'seeded' look. 
I iced these with strawberry icing, so they'd be a little 'fruity.'  I decided to run the edge of the cupcake in green sprinkles (opposed to dying vanilla icing green), and then I tossed on a few mini chips for seeds.  I think these are pretty fun.  I don't think I'll win any prizes for these cupcakes, but....I'm not exactly planning on entering any contest in the near future, so....fun meets my standards for this kitchen exploration! 


  1. These are super cute! I love how watermelon looks. It's so summery. =o)

  2. Cute idea to edge these with green sprinkles. Great way to simulate the watermelon rind!

  3. How cute! I just added these to my pinterest page!

  4. Cute idea. my kids would love this.
