The Antiques Roadshow in Tulsa

 I do believe this post will be high on the list of strange things I've blogged about.....more on that in a moment.  Last year I took up Antique Roadshow on my list of weekly TV programs.  I'm completely addicted.  I now hunt through stores looking for something that must be worth a million dollars that some grandkid tossed out, the store tagged, and I can take home.  My Mom signed up for tickets (they open up the lottery system in January, and contact you in the late spring if you are drawn.  There are six locations (six days of filming) a year, and 2000 tickets given out for each filming).  We were drawn!  Now, I'm double hooked.  We drove to Tulsa (a four hour drive) on Friday morning, one of this year's 6 locations.  First, there is a great antique store called J's around Exit 1 in Oklahoma when you leave Texas on highway 75.  He has great prices.  Down the road in  Atoka is an Amish store we also stopped at on the drive. 
 They had some pretty incredible looking items.  I purchased gummy bears because I'm  a dare devil like that, but I recommend everything I sampled....which was everything they offered.
 This is my first time to spot the Tulsa skyline. 
 We checked into our room, and then went out to see what the city had to offer.  My Mom had surveyed some experts on the subject.  We visited Cherry Street with some fun stores and restaurants. 
 There is a lot of art deco style buildings (apparently 3rd only to NYC and Miami.   I didn't have the camera I usually use with me, but you get the idea). 
 I also found Route 66.  I'm in L+O+V+E with everything Route 66.  I can't even start on this subject, but there's an old sign commemorating the route and what once was....
 We then headed out to Jenks (more advice), a suburb along the Arkansas River (that runs throughout Tulsa).  We ate at Los Cabos.  The queso was muy beauno.  There were also more antique stores along old main street leading up to these river front restaurants, but most were closing at this time we arrived. 
The next morning we drove to the convention center for our slotted time, 9:00 am.  Something I learned is that you can bring carts to wheel your stuff around.  I'd do this next time.  You can also bring chairs to sit in, but we didn't have to do too much standing around.  You also can't take pictures once you enter the appraisal area (behind one of those large TV screens).  These are the lines.  Each person can bring a guest, and both you and your guest can bring two items each for a total of four objects. 
 We saw some really bizarre things.  I can't WAIT to see what makes it on the show. 
 Once you weave through the line (it goes quickly once your time arrives) you go to a check in point.  You show your items, and you are given a ticket that describes the category your item will fall under.  This directs you to where you will stand in line to see one of the appraisers (firearms, decorative arts, toys, collections, textile, furniture (people were actually wheeling these in on large dollies etc).  There are volunteers you then show your ticket to, and they direct you to lines.  The appraisers are all in a large circle with backdrops behind them, and they are filming in up to three places in the center with large spotlights.  While we were there they were filming a segment with a blue lamp with a brass base.  Can I pause for just one moment and say the Tiffany Lamp's overdone.  I'm just sayin'.....seen one seen them....fine, I'm just mad I don't have one to bring and be filmed with on the show because it's pretty much their favorite thing to talk about!  I also saw a guy with a painting in the process of filming. 
You take your item up to the appraiser, they look at it, tell you about it (sometimes, depending on the appraiser) and tell you what it's worth at auction.  Usually appraisers cost money, and they might give you a brief snippet about your item, but then again, they don't have anything they are using for research so you just have to assume they have the info filed in their head.  I saw a lot of ladies arguing with the value of their items.  If the appraiser thinkss your object is interesting, they send you to a seat, and a producer comes to see you.  This didn't happen to me, but I did see some people waiting in line, one had some silent movie reels.  The producers came and they decided to film this lady, but they are just going to feature her online.  "Just"....I know, it's more than I will be featured, but really, I'm already planning what I'll bring next time.  As for this time, I have no regrets, I learned a lot about some items I've had for quite awhile.  I have this painting, my Grandfather got it in Japan.  He served in the Navy clean up efforts after WW2 .  I learned that's Mount Fuji and this is a reverse glass painting (I'm still not sure on this because it looks like it's silk, but two people said it).  The guy told me it's worth 25 dollars....uhhh...OK.  Whatever, I wouldn't have sold it for anything because it's a piece of my Grandfather, but this appraiser and I shop at different places. 

 Next up, a surprise.  I brought this because my brother asked me too.  It's a lighter, also from my grandfather.  He gave this to my brother.  He got it in Japan, it's made out of American Beer cans due to the metal shortages at the time.  Value-$50
 Next up, and this one I didn't argue with, but.....this is my Grandfather's Daisy Red Rider beebee gun from the 1930's.  I'd say at least 20 people asked about this in the short time we were there, but the value (from the 40 year old appraiser who said he had one when he was little....which is interesting because he's at least 40 years younger than my Grandfather would be)....$30.  Again, I'm not selling it, but I'd think sentimental people would place a LITTLE more value on this guy.  I can't even find them on ebay.  One thing about firearms, you have to check them in at the entrance before going (which explains the white tag on this)....hey, it's just something good to know.  I don't have anymore guns to bring for appraisal, but....

 Last up, and this is where things get weird.  My Great, Great, Great Grandmother made the below peicture.  It's about 2x3 feet.  It's a flower wreath with a harp in the middle, well over a hundred year's old, winner of a blue ribbon in the state fair of Texas in the early 1900's, and completely made out of her children's hair. art.  I can't say this will ever make my list of projects to try, but I can also say when examinging it very closely, I don't think I could ever do anything this intricate if I wanted to pick it up. 
Here's the harp in the middle, even the strings are hair. 
Apparently this was a popular art form in the late 1800's.  I have been examining how she made those little loops and I can't figure it out. 
OK, seriously, check out those roses.  After 120 years, there are a few hairs that have pulled out of their original hold. 
My great-great grandfather's hair is in there somewhere.  My dark brown hair comes from my dad's side. 
The weird craft projects.....I guess it clearly falls from my Mom's side.  Had I lived a hundred years ago and there were no craft stores I'm sure all my kids would have been bald because I'd be busy weaving their hair into my harp as well.
Apparently, there isn't a big market for family hair pictures. Shock!  The guy who appraised it first called it bead work.  I had to correct him, but I don't think the value changed.  He was impressed by the work, but at auction...only $250.  I guess it's off to my Aunt's house to hang for another hundred years. 

1 comment

  1. My MIL really wanted to win tickets but unfortunately she wasn't one of the lucky ones. We've watched Antique Roadshow for a number of years now and sometimes I think they totally miss on their appraisals. But they are professionals after all so what do I know. My husband said one of the local news channels had a story on the other night about a couple who had taken some family heirlooms to be appraised. They were loading their things into the car and when they went back for the last box it was gone - stolen. SO sad! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to Tulsa. Jenks is a great little town to shop in. They also have a wonderful aquarium!
