Coffee Bean Bag

 This year I'm making bags for most of my's favorite restaurant employee's, dog's, vet's, bistro girl's get the point.  I made the above 'over the shoulder' bag for my cousin's birthday in a few weeks.  I saw a girl at church carrying a bag kind of like this and I loved the make up. 
 It's made out of cloth (I tried to get cloth that looks 'vintage/old' because I don't own any old fabric, a tie (from goodwill), a coffee bean bag (I researched these and I called my local coffee shops b/c that's the suggestions online..they laughed at me and said their coffee isn't delivered in I bought one on Ebay-the bag was affordable, the shipping...not so much)....and a vintage pin I bought a month ago in my quest for vintage pins to turn into jewelry (still in the works).
 I created little pillow case type things for the bag itself. 
 Inserted, and sewed down with a fold.  You could add pockets, and the gal I saw had a little elastic strap attached to the inside of her tie for her chapstick. 
 I attached the tie as a strap (I purposefully wanted my stuff to be a little mismatched).  I used some embroidery thread to add the x's for funk factor.  The one I saw had five....three felt fine to me. this best of all. 
My cousin doesn't drink coffee, but I love the print on this, and the bag was huge so I have more left for another craft...or another bag.  She does, however, carry everything across her body/over her shoulder so the style is perfect for her, and she loves to tote books around with her. 

Linking To:  Tatortots and Jello Funky Junk


  1. Have you considered diaper bags? ;)

  2. Love! Do you happen to know the dimensions of the bag you used?
