Chalkboard Pumpkin

 This is a really simple project using my crack of choice-Chalkboard Paint.  Seriously, if Mary Poppins knew about this never ending can of goodness, she would have done a sequel years ago!  Basically, I grabbed a fake pumpkin...also known as a funkin and my chalkboard paint.  One coat later I had the above pumpkin.  You can count down to fall holidays, have your family write what they are thankful for, or doodle about life in general on this little guy throughout the holiday season.
This little guy can hang out all fall, I might change out the ribbon for Halloween, and then add these little goodies for Thanksgiving after the trick or treaters leave.
 For six thousand, four hundred and ninety seven other ideas for what to do with a can of chalkboard paint, there is  label below this post that says 'chalk' that will pull up past projects...just keep scrolling down and clicking on 'older post' and you'll see why 12 step addiction programs were created. 


  1. You win. You are the most awesomely creative person in the world.

  2. I agree with Jo! :) And Awesome job this morning on GMT!!! WOW! :)
