Clarksvegas Baby Shower Weekend Extravaganza

 The weekend of October 8th, I headed North towards Clarksville, TN.  My bff is having a baby.  It's her first.  It's a girl.  It's kinda a big deal.  I took the above shot the last full day I was there, and I love it.  I saw something similar online once.  I just opened up the blinds with the sun shining straight in, switched my camera to black and white, and snapped.  I heart it. 
I've been blogging about the details of the shower this week, but on a personal note.  It was exciting.  Regan tried for a very long time to give us this reason to host a shower!  After 5 years of marriage, and her husbands 2nd year over seas in 3 years serving in the US Army, they succeeded where treatment, and medical care had failed, God took over.  She is 8 months along...and counting.  Her friend, Liz, who I've had the pleasure of meeting while visiting her as an adolescent in NY, and later at wedding showers, and wedding festivities was also able to make it, and she was a ginormous help getting the shower put together. 
 I went with a Pooh theme to match her nursery.  I drove down with my car loaded down, and finished up some grocery shopping, baking and creating on Friday (when I drove the second half after leaving right after work on Thursday).  Her Mom and Dad also came up from SC.  I heart them so much.  My relationship with Regan's whole family has been such a blessing in my life, such a hug from God. 
 We hung out with Regan's Clarksville crowd on Saturday and opened gifts. 
 Da girls. 
 We spent a lot of the weekend in PJ's back at Regan and Dave's casa with the dogs. 
 We baked a pie, and I introduced Liz to the wonder that is Cherry Pull and Peel Twizzlers. 
 We spent a huge chunk of the weekend bordering, and decorating the nursery. 
I took some photos on Sunday.  There are some 'stomach shots' I'll let Regan post....there is just something about popping someone else's bare belly on my blog....I'm not ready yet, but this photo reminds me of another moment...
I have one photo of Regan holding blocks to spell out her baby's name, and while she was cradling them under her belly (they aren't ready to reveal the name yet), Baby Girl started kicking and making the blocks move.  It was, by far, one of my favorite moments.  I got to feel baby hiccups, and lots of baby kicks, and this little being definitely stole a huge chunk of my heart, and wouldn't let me have it back when I left for the long drive home on Monday. 
One month left of beautiful fall weather, and a few weeks after that I'm heading back up to hold that little nugget.  It makes me nostalgic about the past....all the things Regan and I have experienced in almost 25 years of friendship.  All the adventures, first, heartaches, and dreams fulfilled.  I can't even imagine 25 years from now where all the pieces will fit in this puzzle called life, but I know it'll be a-mazing. 


  1. That's really a sweet blog post. My best friend and I are 40 and we have been best friends since 6th grade. You just can't beat old friendships like that!

  2. What a beautiful example of true friendship! The pics are fabulous too. :)

  3. It was truly a wonderful weekend that went by WAY too fast! I am so blessed to call you my bff, and Piglet is blessed to have you in her life! I can't believe in a just a few short weeks, instead of taking maternity pictures (which were AWESOME) you'll be taking BABY pictures :). Heart you!
