Build a Fort Kit

 A few years ago I made a play tent for my cousin's little girl, Blythe.  She has since welcomed a little brother into this world, was his turn.  Granted, it'll be a few years before he can really use this fully, but I'm nothing if not prepared....and I've now got one more Christmas gift checked off the list!    I've seen this idea floating around the net.  I'm not sure where it originated, but it's not from me.  I just took the pieces I liked.
 You can use an old sheet, or I found some for less than 5 bucks for (one twin size flat sheet) at the super center nearby.  They have all sorts of patterns and colors.  I also grabbed some ribbon, though you could use extra fabric/old shirts, or even the cloth bag the sheets come in...
 I cut my ribbon to about 16 inches-6 total pieces, and I ran the edges along a flame to keep it from fraying.
 I used my machine and I sewed the ribbon, folded in half on all four corners and in the middle of both sides of the length of the sheet.  I went back and forth.  The ribbon isn't even necessary, just give them a bunch of clamps and string and they'd probably be fine, but I figure this gives him lots of options for finding things to tie the sheet to-trees, chairs, tables, older sisters....whatever is handy.
 I found a flashlight and added some stickers to personalize it.  These would be cute party favors as well for a camping themed party.
I grabbed duct tape, this clamps, and some string for a buck each from the 99 cent store.
 I added a tag...
 Everything fits inside.  
 ...this little tote bag....and he's ready to build....8 bucks later....3 if you already have the sheet or old fabric you can use.  9 if you buy a cheap bag.  I can only imagine the forts this busy guy will build!

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