This summer, I's an Olympic year!!! Better yet, this year's Olympics take place in Russia, which means-NESTING DOLLS! Fine, maybe it doesn't mean Nesting Dolls to anyone BUT me, but by golly-I'm obsessed. I started the hunt. I came across a bunch of ideas, and I saw some various toppers like the one above.....I put my scissors to work and cut out scraps of paper in various colors to make these bags of trailmix. Granted, I'm excited about the Olympics, but I didn't put all my doll trail mixes together yet because....a party gift kind of loses it's luster when the treat is stale, but.....
The innards are simple-I decide to go with the colors of each dolls (using sixlets I bought in small quantities at Party City, so I can match each dolls outfit).
I took my toppers and a bag...
...and will tape the toppers to each bag. I scanned this gal, so if you don't feel like using your scraps to make your own dolls-you can print these on tag boards, cut, fold, fill. Party. Here she is, free to a good home.
so lovely!hạt hạnh nhân