Amber and Josh's Baby Q

 Last September was full of celebrations.  So's taken me months to catch up.  Being busy with blessings is always a good thing.  My friend Amber was getting ready to welcome her first baby into the world.  I ended up getting to be a part of two showers for her-one coed with friends and family, and one on work with coworkers.  We work together, but also live close,'s a win-win.  Since the coed one had boys, BUT she was expecting a girl....we decided on the most masculine pink thing we could come up with. Her husband is also a cop, so...the sheriff badge cupcakes were a little nod to that as well.
 I was in charge of drinks, decorations, dining ware (wanted to stick to the d-but...plates, napkins, utensils etc) and desserts.  I used my stash of mason jars and filled them up with pink lemonade.  Incidentally, it's frightening to realize how many mason jars I own.
 Another friend was in charge of the main dishes.  I pulled together a punch of decorations to help throw a little western into each area.
 I save things from shower to shower...I've used these metal containers for a few dozen showers....galvanized tubs and I also have an intimate relationship.  I used fall hay stacks for the table.  I keep them wrapped though b/c the hay is pretty over powering.  These little horses are from the dollar tree.  Score.
 I love this picture of Mom and Dad....a little blurry, but....I'll call it art.  Josh's Dad is about to bless the food.
 Party in full swing.
 Desserts also included cobblers in mini mason jars.
 The house was busting at the seems....another good problem to have.
I made this little rag garland, and her sister (in charge of invites and favors) brought some bbq sauce that she picked up in Kansas City (where Amber went to college).  She got spicy and sweet and made some fun tags.
I love having a blog b/c, more than sharing this with others, I get to document my friends as their blessings grow.  I know there will be first birthdays, more babies, someday celebrations and fun memories their kids bring....and I'll get to sit down every once in awhile and remember just how faithful God in the midst of all our questions He has all these answers just waiting for us to experience in the future.  

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