Banana Bread....Straight From the Freezer

 My quest in the culinary world is finding things you can freeze.  I don't know why.  I guess I'm fascinated by freezing fresh things that :gasp: don't taste like they were frozen when you were ready to use them.  I've known for years that those busy, browning bananas make a mean banana bread, in fact-we wait for this, seems like I buy bananas when I'm trying to eat a little healthier, and I want banana bread when....well, I'm not.
So...when the banana's go bad, I usually toss them, or if I want bread, I have to buy bananas and try to be patient....what's that?  I'll work on that in my 40's.
But....alas, smarter people that I cross my path.  Someone told me that you can take your bananas that are ready to be born into a bread and freeze them at this stage until you are ready for them.  What?  Just smell those browning bananas and make sure they don't smell rotten, if they still smell sweet, peel them, stick them in a bag, mash them and freeze them.  3 bananas=2 cups (which is what most recipes call for).  When you are ready to use them, just run them under some warm water and you are ready to go.  This will last 6+ months in your freezer.  Most diets don't last more than three months, so it's a win.

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