Mail A Pot O' Gold

 This year, one of my New Year's resolutions was to send a surprise through the mail each month.  I sent a card in January to a friend I've taken for granted lately, a package in February, and now I'm ready for March.  This little guy is going to be shipped out at the first of March to a friend of mine who I think will appreciate the surprise.
Lately, I've really been into making cards..or rather, I've been into WANTING to make cards, but I haven't had the time or supplies to get too many put together, so this is my third little card.  Apparently, I'm also into MINI cards...
 For this card I used some washi tape, rhinestones, baker's twine, and these felt clovers (from the button section in JoAnn's crafts).
 Simple, but cute....and it has inspired me to put together some larger versions of these guys, but this one had to fit in this little box...
I felled a little plastic box with some green shred and these little gold treasure chocolates.  I slipped the card inside and then it's off to the mail to find it's way East to a friendship I treasure....see what I did there? ;o)

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