One Little Word

 Last year I picked a word to focus on for the year (Shine).  I did some bible journaling, and tried to bring it to mind throughout the year.  This year, I'm getting more intentional about my word.  I'm doing a monthly challenge with my word.  I picked Hope.  In some ways it seems overused, but I really need 'it' right now and I don't feel like I've given the word it's due.  This is the year.
 I'm loosely basing this project on Ali Edwards and using some of her prompts.  I am using a scrap journal I bought a few years back at an antique store as my base, and my plan is to use it for several years.
 I defined my word (biblically), picked a verse, and gave a reason why.
 I also described some of my hopes and fears, and then what it would look like if I can successfully apply hope this year.
 My plan is to do something each month, sometimes a one 'project' type entry, or in February, my plan is to track 'hope.'
 I've picked one specific prayer to pray each day, and I'm going to mark off my daily success with these enamel dots.
I've loosely plotted out each monthly challenge, but....I give my permission to adjust my plans, just not my word!

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