Hey, Hey, Haaaaaaay!

I was going to make these really spectacular monster cookies (to be renamed Cowboy Cookies for thematic purposes) that Taylor gave me the recipe for a few weeks back. She brought them to a bake sale last fall and they stuck in my memory, and on my hips, yum..and oops! I lost my motivation tonight, and so I'm going to have to save them for another day...or rather, another shower. I also had this intense desire to eat a rice crispie treat for the last two weeks, and I decided to make them instead b/c it only required three ingredients, and that's all the energy I have today. They needed to fit with my Cowgirl Shower Dessert Bar Theme, so I'm going to call dessert #5: 'Hay Bales' (I saw a barnyard birthday cake once with iced cake squares meant to look like hay bales, and I thought they looked exactly like rice crispie treats...and the idea was born). Just fyi: I googled it and you aren't supposed to 'house' the treats more than two days after making them, but you can freeze them in an airtight container for up to 6 months, and pull them out 45 minutes before the event to thaw, so I'll do this. I thought about cutting them out into shapes (pony? star? boot?)...maybe dipping them in chocolate with sprinkles, but then I remembered I didn't actually feel like doing all that this time around. The crispie treats are only exciting to me b/c I've been craving them, but I did figure out how I'm going to label the pales (pictured above), so at least that's new news. Pretty simple labels, but easy because the badges clip to the pales. #6 dessert is going to be trailmix, that I'm also going to scatter smaller pales of mix around the tables, so I won't photograph that until the day of (if then...I have a problem taking pictures at the actual event). #7 I'm most excited about....I'll make that last minute (Friday).


  1. Great name idea, too cute. I know you are ready for this party.

  2. Very cute blog...love all the cowboy party stuff. I found you through entertain exchange.
