Winter at Lake Murray

My cousin (waving on the right) called me (waving on the left) and asked if I wanted to head North across the border in Oklahoma. 
It's a two hours drive to Lake Murray, Oklahoma from Plano, Texas. 
It's a peaceful drive, and worth it at any time of the year. 
There is just something about this lake that I love.  It holds a really special piece of my childhood.  It brings back nothing but great memories, and lots of them....even in the season of 'brown.'
We usually visit in the summer, and up until the last few years, we never missed a Memorial Day at the lake.  They've been going through quite a few transitions, and it's not the same place it was, but it's still one of my favorite places on planet earth.  As an adult, there aren't a lot of places that aren't tainted in one way or the other, even with the most positive of outlooks, sometimes life just happens, but this is my safe place. 
I've stood on this little peninsula several times a year with each member of my family over the last 30+ years. 
I'll stand here again sometime soon. 
I've sat on this rock. 
...and unsuccessfully fished in this lake. 
I worried I'd catch a shark the whole time. 
I don't want to talk about it, but...
I'll fish here again sometime soon. 
I might even add bait to my hook next time. 
I met these Cat Tail's great, great...great grandfather. 
and her baby daddy's, sister's, husband's great aunt...
It's not the same place it was, but it always evokes the same feelings in me, and the memories never change, even if the lake has changed through the years.
I love that I can go meet 'me' in the past before life happened.  I really do love my life, but it hasn't been all roses and butterflies, and sometimes I miss 'me' before I became 'me.'  I just like to visit her sometimes running up and down these spiral stairs at Tucker Tower....before I felt 'the burn'  quite so much vividly.
A memory is never quite as fresh as when you stand in the place it was made.  :O)
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  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Oh what fun!! Love the beautiful photos. The first one is adorable. ;) Sounds like you had a wonderful day...we need that from time to time.

  2. Beautifully said...

  3. Love that last pic, how very nice!

  4. I love Lake Murray! I used to go with my girlfriends in highschool for a weekend trip before school started each year! Such a great place!

  5. hubby and I stopped in there last January and had a was soo cold...but beautiful...
