My Kitchen

Welcome to the ship's galley my kitchen.  These are the pieces old and new, finally put together. 

I put in new counter tops this past November, but my blog was so full of post ready to post regarding Thanksgiving/Christmas, I decided to put this post off.   I didn't change a whole lot.  Red has always been one of my favorite things.  These are the things I already had in place: 
This mixer is pretty much where I decided to go with decorating. 
Behind most of the cabinet doors, and drawers are red dishes, utensils, and the basket houses tons of different red dish clothes. 
I also have some bowls that don't fit inside the shelves of the cabinets (because there aren't many shelves total) I house them on top of the cabinets. 
Don't be jealous of the popcorn ceiling.  If you stick around long enough, one will probably pop down and you can even take a little piece home with you to show your home designer so you can get them to schedule a little popcorn spray in your house. 
By the way...I'll never have enough red and black bowls.  This is just the tip of the iceberg. 
I also snagged this stained glass ten years ago.  I heart it. 
It's from a house in England.  If I were a stained glass...this is exactly how I'd want to look.  Chippy, a little off balance, not too fancy, with a little pop of fun.
I have quite a few little piece of 'art' in each room of my house, but this is my favorite in the kitchen. 
I got this little guy at a boutique in Carrolton.  There were a bunch of pieces, each were made of 100% old pieces of junk.  Every nail, wire, and piece of wood is old...I know how it feels to be mad of old parts these days. The artist uses pieces of old wood to carve out a heart.  The slogan is: 'old parts to make new hearts.'  This appeals to everything inside of me.  It's old, each piece had a story before it was the art it became.  It's red, and I puffy heart it, and someday...I'm going to use some old parts and make some more new hearts of my own. 
Next up for the paint....and 'something' above the fridge to house all the red lidded flour jars in a neater fashion.  No time soon....just next in the line of 'kitchen things to do...someday."


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I love it Christy!!! Your kitchen is so cute and cozy!!! I love your red bowls!!!! You've done a beautiful job!! :) Would Love to see all your red dishes girly!! :)

  2. I love your little kitchen. I used to have a galley kitchen and with little space to junk it up, I think that was my most uncluttered kitchen EVER! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great and fun the red...envious of the red Kitchen Aid, mine is 30 years old and beige! UGH!, but works great.
    I was in downtown Carrollton just place.

  4. Love it all! Great job. The granite counter top is beautiful (looks similar to mine) and I too love red. I have been working on decorating above my kitchen cabinets this week and just made a post about it, stop by when you can. I want your red mixer!!

  5. Forgot to mention.. I have the popcorn ceilings too.. WHY or WHY!?!

  6. Looks great! Love the red. My kitchen walls are painted red and I have a black and white theme! Great minds think alike!

  7. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Great kitchen details! Love your pops of red, the stained glass.

  8. Super cute! I have a yellow mixer that I plan to theme my kitchen around! Oh how we love our Kitchen Aids LOL ;)

    Semalee a Nailing Jello to a Tree

  9. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I love your cabinets! Very pretty!
    Make sure you get a good hand truck to get all those cabinets into your home.

    Cheap Cabinets

  10. The kitchen looks fantastic, Christy. I love the stained glass. The red pops of color look fabulous. Nice job!
