Valentine's Day: Heart Shaped Cinnamon Buns

I saw these cute cinnamon buns last year at Gourmet Mom, and I had to try them out.  I don't really think the cinnamon recipe is a huge deal, you really can't go wrong with cinnamon buns, but I did cheat this time and use pizza dough. 
Melted butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and then it was time to roll. 
To make the hearts, I rolled both sides towards each other untl they met in the middle.
I cut. 
 And since this was canned dough, I cooked it right away, if you have homemade dough (or frozen dough that needs to rise) it holds it shape a little better, but cheater dough is faster, and I was into fast on this particular day in my life.  Just ask the nice officer....kidding.....I'm being good....I have to be for about 5 more months. 
I baked at the degrees the dough called for, for about 30 minutes. 
I then mixed up the topping, 1 T. of milk, 1 t. of vanilla, and a cup of powder sugar, but I also added a drop of red dye, and then drizzled. 
When you break your diet for a cinnamon bun, it helps if they are cute.
Linking To: 
Night Owl Crafting Fireflies and Jellybeans Free Pretty Things Somewhat Simple Life As Lori Sundae Scoop


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    SUPER CUTE!!!!

  2. Love the heart shaped buns, Christy! The pink icing is a super cute touch.

  3. Totally clever and I think I would like about 3 of these right now! YUM!
