Chocolate Dipped Fig Newtons...On-A-Stick

I recently helped host a baby shower, the theme was Milk and Cookies.  Lots...and lots...and lots...of details and pictures to come next week.  Each of the gals hosting brought a cookie for our cookie bar.  I was trying to think of something different to add as a coversation piece to a cookie bar.  I also wanted something I could do a few days in advance b/c I knew I'd be in the middle of a cupcake-bake-a-thon the day before.  And then, on National Fig Newton Day, I saw this cute idea here.  This project was even easier than I thought it would be, and I heart sticks any day of the week!  I'm working on a 'week' of stick projects to between a bunch of parties and get togethers I'm also working on, and this little thing called a job that keeps interrupting.  Enough on that....on to fig newtons. 
The supplies are just fig newtons, sticks, and chocolate (semi sweet, or milk chocolate). 
One bag of newtons can be covered in about a regular size bag of chocolate chips.  I slipped the sticks in the center of the breaking, very nice....
I did the whole bowl in the microwave/30 second/stir/repeat until the morsels are melted (about 1 1/2 minute). 
Dip or spoon over. 
Dry on wax paper. 
Taste test. 
Bag 'em up and add a ribbon. 
More to week. 

Linking To: 
Sugar Bananas Paisley Passions Tatortots and Jello Along for the Ride A Vision to Remember Tip Junkie Topsy Turvy All Things Related Night Owl Crafting Trendy Treehouse Today's Creative Blog


  1. Mmm! I bet this turned out so good. What a cute idea. I'm excited about your upcoming theme week. Have a great weekend!


  2. I am going to try this with Strawberry Newtons!! I love this idea!

  3. oh dear goodness .. i am hungry just lookin at that!!!

  4. that is an adorable fig newtons..

  5. These look really good, Christy. And the strawberry newton idea someone mentioned sounds awesome!

  6. I love Fig Newtons, and never thought of using them like this. I have to try this also. I think my grand chidren will love these.

  7. Im going to have to make these for my daddyo he LOVES FIG NEWTONS

    Me....not so much, but HE SURE DOES


  8. I've dipped a lotta stuff-on-a-stick in chocolate in my day, but never Fig Newtons. Positively brilliant!!! I'm going to have to give these a try!
