A Homemade Chalkboard....One Dollar Later

I got this Debbie Mumm calendar holder at a Thrift store for a buck. 
I took the tag off the back, and then got out my spray can of chalk....the same one I've been using for almost a year now.  I've read that you should rub the side of chalk along the whole surface, this makes it easier to write/erase/write/erase.  I've hung it in the laundry room that is now going to be my craft room because, let's face it, I do a lot more crafting than laundry.  It's my project to do list.  I'm a tad bit OBSESSED with list.  More on the 'craft cave' later....less on the to do list, there are padded rooms for people that talk about to do list, and I don't have time to decorate a padded room, it would be so limiting because I doubt they allow nails, scissors, and stuff. 
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  1. Very cool and i love the price ! Talking about you on my blog !

  2. You need to get a chalkboard pen...they sell them at Michaels or craft stores...they are amazing and write so much better/easier than regular chalk!

    Great job! So amazing how things can be transformed! Super love your blog!

  3. I have done the same thing :) Its so fun we write down our menu on I will send you a picture :)

  4. Makes a very pretty chalkboard.. I noticed that coincidentally both yours and mine posts today include the word 'Mumm' in completely different contexts, how odd!

  5. Don't cha just love chalkboard paint?!?! I walk around the house just lookin' for items to paint! ha ha Great job!

  6. This is so cool! I definitely do the "chalk all over" thing when I use the spray chalk.

    Now...go over here and link to one of your mission-friendly posts! Big prizes. :)

  7. Found you through "The Girl Creative"! Your recipes look fantastic! My husband travels to Spain frequently and he loves Paella ... he has been begging me to make it.

    I love your chalkboard spoons; what a fantastic idea.

    I'm happy to have found your blog!

    Jaime @ Our Journey and OH SO Chichi
