Mardi Gras: Sugar Cookie Mask

I found the cutest cookie cutter at a local store called The Cake Carousel. 
You could actually cut out a mask shape with a sharp knife, and a steady hand...or even use a template to follow the edge with your knife, but that wouldn't appease my need to spend, so I bought the above cute little cut-er. 
I really wanted to go Batwoman on this project, but I couldn't stretch my words far enough to explain how Batwoman....ummm....likes to drive (?) through Mardi Gras parade routes, so....I stuck with Mardi Gras colors.  I just used extra sprinkles and icing to decorate.   It would be fun to have a group over to 'decorate' their own mask cookies.  That's assuming one has friends, and more importantly, that one is willing to share their cookies, and at least one of those criteria does NOT apply to me. 


  1. These cookies are awesome! I think my son and I will do some of these this weekend for Mardi Gras since Fat Tuesday is next week. He will love decorating these!

  2. Cute cookies, indeed!

    I <3 the Cake Carousel store!

    By the way: I'm not sure if you are aware, but there is a group that is trying to pass a Cottage Food Law to legalize home baked good sales here in Texas. The link for the facebook page is
