Milk and Cookies-The Personal Stuff

I posted approximately 8,76,456 pictures yesterday of all the details from Kristen's baby shower.  I love hosting showers, I've hosted a LOT of showers in 'my time'...I just didn't blog about them in years gone by, but now I blog for my memories I can remember what I don't remember.  Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures during the shower, though here's a collection of all the hostesses. 
Bassically, when you work at an elementary school, there are lots of opportunities to attend showers-weddings, babies....babies...babies (and I was counting up friends who I think will be celebrating marriages and more soon...and I think the next year and a half will be very busy for well). 
Working with all women, most young, we have lots of showers each year, and I do love a good shower, but I also heart Kristen.  She came to work at my school four years ago, she actually took my 'old' position as a 6th grade R/LA/SS teacher when I moved into the Reading Specialist positions.  She one of my very favorite teachers to work with because she's such a hard worker, very creative, and just naturally talented..and nice.  She's going to be an incredible Mom, and her little guy is lucky because she's going to be able to stay home with her.  She will be missed, but I was glad we got this opportunity to celebrate the next chapter in her life, and that my school got to spend 4 years of our lives with her.  

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