Rated PG-13: Bachelorette Cookies

Usually I start a post with a picture, but I'm going to tell you about this post before I add a picture, and if there are kids, coworkers, husbands, whatever around, don't scroll down because this is a lingerie party cookie.  It's not THAT naughty in the grand scheme of things, and bachelorette 'stuff' is fun when you are celebrating a friend getting married.  I believe in celebrating marriage and all the fun that comes with wedding vows.  Ummm....I guess you could say these cookies were made in honor of a friend's wedding, and if you can befriend characters in books, this would be appropriate.  I made this for a party....more on that tomorrow....lower your expectations b/c when I post tomorrows post you are probably going to question my maturity, but it's cool.  I can handle it.  Now on to the cookies.  I needed some lingerie cookies for the party, and I googled.  I saw where you can make these cookies using a heart cookie cutter.  Black is the color that is important to 'my friend's' wedding trouseau.  I cut out my cookies, baked, dyed some icing black, added 2 T. of karo to 3 c. of icing, and started with black on my lingerie. 
 I added a white lacey border, and bow. 
 After the cookies dried, and the icing hardened over night, I added a piece of lace and black satin ribbon. 


  1. Love this, these are so cute. I admit I did a double take initially but they are just fine if someone is worrying about appropriateness... What a great job you did, too! You've gotten me really curious about tomorrow's post!! ;-) ~Lori

  2. These are so funny and cute. Love the PG-13 warning:) I like the wrapping, too.

  3. These cookies are SUPER cute!

  4. I LOVE these! They are adorable! :)

  5. My maid of honor did some similar for my lingerie shower. She did some like you did and the other ones she turned upside down and made undies on them :)

  6. These are awesome! Now I need to throw a Bachelorette party! :)

  7. LOVE these. I made these back in Feb (but haven't posted them yet) and they were a hit at work =o)

    can't wait to see the rest of your party! I'm reading the newest Undead and unwed book in the series. Have you read those yet? Funny!

  8. These are sooo cute! I wish I'd thought to make something like this back when I had engaged friends and bachelorette parties to go to. Now everybody's either married or a confirmed "bachelorette for life". :( Oh, goodness, maybe that' means I'm getting old! :-O

  9. those are too cute Christy...

  10. LOVE these! Super cute.:)


  11. These are so cute Really cute.. Christmas present for man For birthday,you know how men love food.. ha,ha,.Cookie in Va.
