Scrapbook Pages from Germany and Austria

I'm STILL working on my album from my European vacation a few summers back.  I'm determined to finish it before the summer, but it's not moving at the speed necessary to reach this goal.  I am enjoying reliving my vacation with each page.  Here is my portion from Germany. 
We spent an evening in Andernach, Germany.  Our hotel room touched one of the fortress walls from this ancient city.  The town overlooks the Rhine River, and passing boats, and there was a park with ginormous red roses, fir trees, and old fortress walls and towers we were able to explore.  I loved West Germany, the pretzels (that inspired today's earlier post), the gummy bears, and it was so clean, and quaint.  It was the place I was most surprised about loving because I had not given it much thought.  It was the most 'fairy tale' of all the places we visited on our European trip.
This is a cruise we took down the Rhine River.  This river runs past some of the 30+ castles in this area of West Germany, and we also passed the rock famous for the Siren's beautiful (and distracting) songs.  Luckily, our boat made it around the bend (bottom right picture on the right hand page) before heading towards Austria. 
We only spent a day or so in Austria at Fernpass, and then Innsbruck (home of the winter Olympics a few years back). 


  1. Great pages! Bet it feels nice to get some done from that trip. I tell myself, when I'm way behind, that scrapbooking a bit after the event is not procrastination but reliving memories again:)

  2. Oh, this just reminds me about how far behind I am on scrapbooking. The pages you created are lovely & will hold so many memories far into the future.

  3. This is gorgeous!!! My BF is from Germany. His parents adopted him from a German orphanage when they were over there with the Army. He spent 17 years living in Germany/Belgium and 'visited' the states every year for a couple of weeks. It would be cool for me to make a scrapbook for him - but even cooler if he'd take me back there so we could make memories together!!! I think your scrapbooks will tell stories for many generations to come!
    OH- and I know you've teased about meeting your prince charming online...that is exactly where I found mine! :)
