Teacher Appreciation: Wormy Apple Snacks

I guess this isn't exactly a teacher gift, but it's a cute school idea, and I just couldn't not post it.  I saw this idea a few months ago here.  I love apples and peanut butter, and I guess I need to add worms to that list too b/c the whole package is yum!  I sliced an apple in half, cored out the seeds with a melon scoop, and created a little hole for a worm (you can do this with a fat straw (like the slurpee straw, but I just used a knife).  I then added about 1 T. of Peanut Butter to the center. 
I then popped the lid back on to the apple, and I ate it.  If I wanted to save this for a few hours before eating/giving it away, but prevent the apple from turning, someone gave me the great tip that you can dip apples in sprite or 7-up to keep it from turning, but avoid the bitterness of the lemon/water bath. 


  1. This is super cute. My daughter wants me to make this for her =o)

  2. Hello! Just came across your blog, and saw your whole week's worth of Teacher Appreciation projects. That's awesome!

  3. such a cute idea...

  4. Very cute! I am going 'camping' with my daughter's 7th grade class later this week and we have to pack a lunch. How cute would this be??!!??!!
