A Few More Homemade Aprons

I have tons of friends with birthdays in the fall.  It makes for a lot of opportunities for cake, and celebrating.  These are not bad things!    I'm just combining these next two aprons to document (to myself) it's been done.  I'm currently underway with another 'gift of the year' idea.   Last year I tried to give most of my friend's an apron, along with some sort of accompanying gift that matched their personality.  I can't say that it's necessarily what everyone wanted, but it's what I wanted to give, and so....I did. I gave so many, I had these just 'stuck' on my computer to throw up sometime...there is a reason now is that time....back to that in another post in a few days...
My friend Kelly is a bit on the funky side.  I saw this fabric and decided she could handle a funky fabric pattern for her apron. 

This is an apron I made for my friend Amber, it matches the colors in her kitchen, blue and brown. 


  1. Love them! Very talented! I'm trying to learn to sew, but I seem to have issues with straight lines:)

  2. Those are both so cute I love them. :)

  3. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I loved my Patriotic apron!
