Book: Vintage Book Letters

 I saw this idea at kellehampton, and it quickly moved it's way to the top of my to do list.  As a reading teacher, I definitely needed this little prompt in my classroom.  I think this would be fun for any teacher....maybe just choose a cardboard with her last initial and a favorite kids book....
I just used some old books I got at a used book sale and I cut out cute pictures.  I painted the sides of the cardboard letters (you could use the wooden letters or the paper mache letters as well, but they never had the D when I was look at the craft store!).  I got these for 1.50 each.  I just used a glue stick to then stick down the pictures, and an exacto knife/scissors to trim up the edges.  You could add a layer of mod pogo to ensure the sides don't start lifting up, but so far the glue is doing it's job. 

1 comment

  1. Love this idea!! So cute!
