Baby Initial Door Hanging

We hosted a baby shower recentlyi (more details to come this week) and my friend brought me some pieces she had purchased to make a little hanging for the outside of the door. 
 I love a good initial project....add burlap and I'm in heaven....right up until I have to vacuum up all the little threads all over the work area.  
 I cut the burlap into thing strips.  (about 3/4 inch).  I also wrapped corner and edges before I began to attempt continue lines of overlapping burlap, it's really hard to get all these edges any other way.  I used a glue gun to glue it down.
 I began wrapping and layering.  Anytime I had to finish off a piece, I glued it to the back and began again, it helps me to use shorter pieces to go around the curves etc.
Baby Raylyn's room is pink, gray, with shabby chic touches.  Stacey had purchased some ribbon we used to hang this, and then a hair bow at Buy Buy Baby that ended up being the perfect little piece for the corner of the R.  I just pinned it on the back so Melissa could replace if she wanted later on.  

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