Asian Spaghetti

I saw this recipe over at tasteofhome and it sounded like something I'd like.  And it was.  I like it.  A lot.  Add-it's easy to make, and it doesn't require turning on an oven in the hot summer and you can't go wrong!
If you like food.  Don't like to be hot.  Don't like to work too hard for yummy dishes....try this out....
Asian Spaghetti
Ingredients:  8 oz angel hair pasta, 1 c. sliced fresh mushrooms (I skipped this, eww, that's fungus), 1 c. fresh snow peas, 3/4 c. carrots, 4 green onions (cut into 1 inch pieces), 2 T. olive oil, 1 minced garlic clove, 1/4 c. soy sauce, 1 t. sugar, 1/4 t. cayenne pepper, 2 T sesame seeds (toasted-I also skipped toasting them).
Instructions:  Cook the pasta.  Meanwhile, in a skillet saute mushrooms, peas, carrots, and onions in the oil until crisp, but tender.  Add garlic, cook an additional minute.
In a bowl, combine soy sauce, sugar, and cayenne.  Drain pasta, add to vegetables, add soy dressing and toss to coat.  Sprinkle sesame seeds over the pasta.  Serves 5.

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