Pirate's Booty

 All right...I'm working on a major Pirate Project (major if you are three).  These are just a few accessories I've put together.  Super simple.  Sure, you can buy gold coins, but I saw a photo that had wood chips instead of that plastic stuff....so much cuter.  I grabbed some various size rounds at the craft store in the unfinished wood section, and some gold spray I already had....
 Spray.  Flip.  Repeat.  Who needs to locate old ship wrecks?
 I then went on a serious fabric treasure map hunt.  After checking every quilt store from here to Barbosa.  After I gave up, saw a cute tutorial for drawing your own here, and did said tutorial via a sharpie...sewed it to felt....and then found some fabric at JoAnne's.  But....I'm keeping my map.
Stay tuned if you want to see more treasure....or at least a paradise fit for a pirate.

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