She Sells Silver Sea Shells...

 I'm working on some sea shell crafts.  Here's one I've put together, so simple.  Pretty, and a little different.  I saw things like this online and I thought-hey-I know how you can do that.
I'm the only person that purchases this much spray paint and actually uses it for the assigned purpose.
I always use a coupon, and pick it up at the craft store.
 It only took one coat....and then...
 This would work really well for some of those 'not so pretty, but fun shaped' shells.
I also sprayed some little ones and bought some ring bases and grabbed some permanent glue...
 Plopped that puppy on...
 ...and I have a wearable beach memory.  These would work well with earring backings as well.  A little vacation souvenir you can carry with you.  I found the jewelry bases at the craft store as well.  The good news is-spray paint comes in a plethora of colors...if you are more of a gold gal (or guy).

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