Mummy: Soap

 I've been planning these out for several years.  They are so simple, and a cute little addition to...well, life.  I saw the idea at howdoimakesoap two years ago.  I simplified the steps since I'm not a soap maker, but I think the outcome is close enough!
I packaged them up in these little fry boxes I got at Hobby Lobby.  Which means I had to go buy more fry boxes b/c I hear them.
 I used a gingerbread mold I bought at Hobby Lobby as well (though Wilton sells one as well, along with one called 'little people mold).  I also bought some soap squares.  You can add a scent, but I was an underachiever on this particular day.
 It took about two cubes per mold.  I also shaved some soap with my grater, and set it aside.
 I melted the squared soap, poured it into the mold, it dries quick, so before it dried I tossed on the shavings to make it look more like the wrap of a mummy.
 I took a toothpick and some black gel and just dabbed on some black eyes.
Pop them out and wrap them up.  Cute.

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