DIY Colored Glass

 One of a few (thousand) things I'm obsessed with....vintage mason jars.  I love the color, and anything glass.  So I started seeing tutorials online on how to color glass.  ....but none of them worked for me, but....I kept at it and after about 5 failed attempts and a bunch of substituted supplies, I think I've finally figured out a fool proof method.  The best part about these jars?  They are practically free to make.
I've been saving glass jars for another project (and making my teammate do the same), but I pulled a few aside for this need glass jars (olives, pickles, salad dressings-whatever will work).  Clean them up and then...
Mix 1 Tablespoon of glue with 1/2 teas of water.  This is where it went wrong-there were a bunch of ratios out there and I tried them all, if there is too much water it'll run down the side of the glass before it can bake in.  If it's too think it dries in streaks.  Then add regular food dye.  The more you add, the darker your color.  For a lighter color add three, for the darker blue in my finished project I added 5 drops.  You can do this with any color-which would be awesome for holidays or summer outside picnics.
 Pour it into the bottom of the jar and then turn it upside down and roll the glue mix around until it coats the entire jar.
 Like so...
 Pull the jar lid off and then led the excess liquid drain out.  Place this on a cookie sheet (on a piece of foil or baking paper).  Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.  Turn the jar over again so it's resting on it's base and bake for another 10 minutes.  This helps dry out the liquid, but the color remains.
You can't fill these with liquids or food, that's glue based so....eww.  You could certainly try a version where you put the liquid on the outside, but it's not as easy to make it smooth.  I use mine for storage/tea lights etc anyway.  The paint is set, but if you want to make sure it doesn't scratch, you can spray a paint sealer over the finished project.

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