Christmas Photo Props

 I'm putting together quite a few crafts for a few segments coming up on GMT.  So many that I'll be posting a lot more than usual (and usual is at least five times a week) to get them all up with tutorials etc.  This project is a little extra something I put together.  Photo props are super popular right now at Christmas parties, so I decided to put together a few of my own for some fun photo opportunities for upcoming Christmas parties.  I saw some items like this for sale and I thought....uh....I'm pretty sure I can make that.  There aren't many things I can say I do well without a lot of practice, but I've always loved cutting randoms shapes with a pair of scissors.  I cut these shapes out and hot glued them to bamboo sticks to be used a photo booth.
 Mix and match.  And...I made a template to cut your own if you to want to have fun with photos at your Christmas party.  You can download them for free here.
Photos to follow soon.  

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