Turkey: Table Entertainment

I made this little coloring book this year.  Here is a free printable.  I saw the idea for filling a little cup with crayons for the kids at the table and decided to add a little something TO color.  I even typed out the abbreviated version of the Thanksgiving story...there is an educator in me that couldn't skip the opportunity.  I doodled some pictures to go along.  You can print, fold in half (hamburger fold) and then fold again and ta da-a book.  I added a little face to a cup and the crayons are the feathers.  I saw the idea for the cup at howdoesshe.  I'm always looking for easy table entertainment....I spent a lot of time wishing to be anywhere but the children's table at holidays...I think crayons to distract me would have either eliminated a few therapy sessions...or it would have at least saved a few of my Mom's china dishes.

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