Blaze's Milk and Cookie Baby Shower

 In September some of the gals at work and I hosted a baby shower for Taylor.  She welcome Baby Blaze into the world in September.  We decided to carbo load.  I threw a milk and cookies shower a few years back, so I pulled out some old favorites, and we added new ideas.
For the sight in we got the book Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Sight and we all signed it for Blaze.
 The hostesses (there were a bunch of us) bought a monitor and we also each got packages of diapers.  Laine had the idea of having the guest sight fun little "midnight messages" on the diapers for Taylor to enjoy during some of those late night diaper changes.
 Heather's husband printed out Blazes name and we put them on large milk jars we filled with flowers.
 Mini milk jars (I bought these at Hobby Lobby and use them all the time).  We added mustaches to the straws b/c it's cute.
 I made some oreo cupcakes...
 ...and chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes (I blogged about the recipe a few days ago-my favorite).
 I wrapped some story books in syran wrap and use these to hold the cupcakes.
Each hostess also baked or bought cookies and we all pooled together our cookie jar collections to fill up.
 The guest ate at the shower, but there were also baggies for them to take home some cookies.
 A year before this picture, Quinn was being anticipated by this same crowd at a baby shower.  This year she was a guest at the shower.  ;o)  I love looking at a year through babies!

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