DIY Make Up Remover for Just Pennies

 Someone told me about this via a google site and I had to try it out.  I used the recipe I found on nomadic's site, and she found it via pinterest-but I didn't see the source to the link on the site. I was skeptical.  I pay 9 bucks for a little bottle of Make Up Remover how is it possible to make your own for just pennies? I'm made about all those nine dollars over all these years.  Granted....I don't wear a lot of make I'm only a little mad, but in case you are in the same boat-here is a super cheap/easy recipe for your own make up remover...that works!!!
I bought these little dollar containers of tear free baby shampoo and baby oil, and I used a little container to store my finished product.
Mix 1 1/2 T of tear free baby shampoo and 1/8 t. baby oil with 1 c. of water.  Store, shake, use.  Repeat.

1 comment

  1. Love your blog! Found it today via Pinterest. Great info!
