I interrupt this blog to post puppy pictures. Today, June turned two. These photos were taken the first few days I had her. I tried to take her picture, and she tried to steal my camera strap. It could have been taken today. As I type, she's laying at my feet with the dish towel she stole from my kitchen and was sure I would chase her down for, but when that didn't work, she collapsed, with her prize, by my feet.
When I got my last dog 15 years ago I said I'd never get another puppy. Come on, look at that face..you can see why I decided to delete my original plan! That face ate a couch and a love seat, approximately 3,456,345 rocks....and threw them back up, and a forest worth of tree limbs. She's currently going through a serial killer junebug phase.
...but, she's always happy to see me. She's my most faithful friend, and never loses interest in me....case in point...a photo last year of 'us' trying to blog.
I'm definitely one of 'those' people. In a world full of worries, and waiting, and wonderings I love the simplicity of being loved by a dog. I used the term loosely, but....you get my point.
Real time, two year old, Baby June...with her tea towel. One of my favorite little frivolous blessings.
Wow, two years already?!