Fairy Garden

 In May, I flew out to see my goddaughter, Micah, in Seattle.  She is four and really into unicorns and fairies right now.  I've seen the idea for making fairy gardens around, and recently had a coworker make one with her daughter, so....I was ready.  Before heading out I went to JoAnne and Michael's and stocked up on bridges, fairies, fence post, bird house (both of which we painted) mushrooms, arbors, benches etc etc, and...of course, fairies.
 She painted and bejeweled the fairy house.  I also brought some gold beads b/c when I asked her what she thought fairies wanted in her garden she said gold and pink.  She proceeded to put the gold INISDE the bird house (now the fairy house), but...it's not like there was a lot of room for it anyway.  I also bought some different colored moss they sell in packs (I used a coupon).  We grabbed a pot and a few flowers when I got there.  I've seen a lot of succulents etc in gardens (less watering), but....I don't even think the flowers die the garden will be missing much.
 I let her choose the placement for each item.
 We hid two fairies in the garden.
 We told her the fairies love to come out and play at night.
 It's her job to check every morning to see if the fairies move (because they have been playing).
It's now her mama's job to make sure they 'play' at night.  She was excited the next morning when she discovered they had been playing.  ;o)  

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