Chenille Square Quilt

OK...there is a reason I love chenille blankets.  First, how gorgeous are they?  Second, my Mom always tells this story about her grandparents who had a chenille blanket on their guest bed.  Her and her cousin would jump up and down and make the round chenille circles 'hop' around and yell "cookies."  She always reminds her cousin of this traditional jumping get togehter when we get together.  I knew I wanted to created a little throw for my craft room. The place where I put my seat is right next to the window, which means it gets a little chilly during both days of winter here in Texas.  
 I found a lady on Ebay who sells squares of chenille blankets she cuts into quilt squares.  She has all different combinations of colors, but I fell in love with these peach, pink, and white squares.
 I lined them up into 7x6  rows, making sure I spread out the darks and lights, and didn't put any of the same squares next to each other.  I then sewed each row of seven, and then the rows of 7 to each other.
 I got some really soft fabric at Joann for the back and pinned it all together and trimmed that down then sewed a big square to hold those two together.  Last, I cut strips of another pink fabric into 3 inch pieces, sewed them together, folded them over and made my own binding.
 I haven't actually 'quilted' this, but I might eventually add some ties to the middle of the squares if I end up having to wash it a lot and need to hold it in place.
In the mean time, I'll enjoy wrapping this around myself during that arctic blast this year, and then hanging it on the back of my chair the other 364 days.  

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