Valentine's Box (Recycled Laughing Cow Cheese Box)

 I was recently charged with making some project for something called Art Abandonment.  It's a facebook group that makes art and 'abandons' it with a note for people around their city.  Add to that I wanted to use products from a store in Denton called Scrap that is filled with things people donate.  Artist run the shop/and buy the supplies for their art work.  I love to go there and get inspired....this go 'round....I was inspired by these Laughing Cow Cheese Boxes.
I also picked up some lace, yarn (I crocheted into a heart shape), vintage Valentine's Cards, and a bottle of sequins.  
 I used some scrap papers to cover the box.
I covered the sides with ribbon.  I filled this box with chocolate because it's for someone I know, but I'll 'abandon one' with some little sheets inside to make a scrapbook b/c I figure strangers won't want to eat my chocolate.  The top was decorated with little scraps I picked up at the store.  This isn't an add, just a fun find (in stores), and fun project.  

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